CE conformity for hardness testing
Hardness testing machines are subject to several EU directives, with which they must comply and according to which they must be furnished with a CE label.
This means that checks are made to see which directives apply to the product and whether the product meets the safety targets specified in the relevant directives.
This is accomplished by means of a conformity assessment (risk analysis) to determine the health and safety requirements applicable to the machine. The machine is subsequently designed and built with due regard to the results of the risk analysis.

General Information:
- By applying the CE label, the manufacturer confirms a product's compliance with the EU directive(s).
- The CE label is merely an administrative mark and indicates adherence to the stipulations of one or more EU directives. It is not a label of origin, quality mark, certification mark or standards label.
- A CE label may only be applied to the products where required by the directive(s). The CE label must not be applied to products not subject to any EU directives, or subject to directives in which the CE label is not prescribed.
- The CE label must also be applied to reconditioned machines (conversions) in addition to a declaration of conformity.